fav mags for ideas

  • *sketches* by becky higgins
  • anything martha
  • cherish by ctmh
  • creating keepsakes
  • designing layouts by donna downey
  • imagine by ctmh
  • oriental trading
  • page maps
  • paper crafts
  • reflections by ctmh
  • scrapbooks etc

Monday, June 30, 2008

a little something i started this weekend...

so when i was first sent home to rest (due to mono) i had so many projects to start running through my mind. of course i wrote down somethings i felt like i could accomplish and still rest. i do not want to turn out like my mother and my mother's mother and so on. it has been a personal mission of mine to simply place all of our pictures, cd's and negatives in one central location and have them in chronological order (you know that i have to be strictly organized about this) i have to say i have been able to keep this up but the one thing i kind of put to the side and forgot on purpose was all of the portraits and the extra copies. i love my child, my family and so on, but enough is enough. what do you do when you are done with the frame? i did not really scrapbook these through the years, nor can i add them to the albums i have already completed. do not get me wrong, i love having pics in frames but when you have been married for 13 years and your child is 10, this would be my new wallpaper in the living room easy. i thought i would scrapbook them. i know, another dang project. what would life be like if you are not overwhelmed??!! here is the start of my album. first let's get one thing straight, you do not make fun of my hair, clothes and wedding dress, i will not make fun of yours in 13 years... LOL!! I posted the pics over in the albums under portraits albums. (also the title has the link) --pm


Amy said...

ok - i didn't LAUGH exactly - but I definitely had a HUGE smile on my face regarding above mentioned clothes/hair! That being said - i LOVE it! Very nice! Also - I hate you for having all this time on your hands!

Lesa said...

To quote Amy - 'I think I tinkled a little bit' I was laughing so hard - but seriously you had to put the disclaimer on your post - no jokes? I got a million of them - that's my thing! Biting the tongue real hard here - Can I at least mention Scott's mustache? That is greatness right there! This is why I will not be sharing any of my 12 year old photos - it is too hard to resist!