fav mags for ideas

  • *sketches* by becky higgins
  • anything martha
  • cherish by ctmh
  • creating keepsakes
  • designing layouts by donna downey
  • imagine by ctmh
  • oriental trading
  • page maps
  • paper crafts
  • reflections by ctmh
  • scrapbooks etc

Thursday, June 12, 2008


ok, on this retreat you learn people's vices. we all have them. if you screw with this vice, someone could get hurt..... let's go back to last weekend at the scrapbook retreat. we are all together in a small town at miss lillie's. not much around, just a brookshires, mcdonalds and a sonic. so you know that we are out there when these are the 3 main stores in town. anyway.... lesa, donna and i adventure to find the nearest wal-mart........ 30 miles away and then hit up the scrapbook store as well. donna is cravin' some ice tea WITH LEMON, NOT LEMONADE... obviously a vice of hers and she was shafted on a good drink the day before and the sonic idiot put lemonade in her tea when she specifically asked for extra lemons. NOT THE SAME THING!! well this got onher last nerve and today, she is going to make sure it is correct. we pull up, they order.... sweet tea, tots and an UNSWEET TEA WITH EXTRA LEMONS (she repeats this at least 3 times) also PLEASE DO NOT PUT LEMONADE IN MY DRINK LIKE YESTERDAY.... yes ma'am the sonic girl answers.... we wait and we wait, seriously for like 15 minutes, no lie. there is no one in this town and they are not at the sonic today. so donna buzzes again... "thank you for choosing sonic (blah blah blah) donna says... we are still waiting on our order to come out... oh well ma'am we had to make SWEET TEA (gees lesa) and it will be out shortly... after harassing lesa about her drink of choice taking forever and that donna will have a tainted tea yet again, the sonic girl finally comes out with the order... she spouts off what the order is and we disburse the items... donna turns around with the money still in hand and shouts... "NO ... DON'T LEAVE... I NEED TO CHECK MY TEA"... the girl waits patiently as i laugh hysterically i can hardly breathe and i am crying looking the other way, lesa in the back and is almost on the floor of the car laughing and slightly embarrassed... donna is laughing so hard she cannot even try her tea, telling us to hush...... the sonic girl speaks up and says that she cannot even try the drink due to the laughing and she has this uncomfortable giggle herself (at this point i feel like a 15 year old pulling a prank). shut up girlie, you do not know the inside joke here!! LOL! of course the tea is lacking lemon appeal and donna must ask for more... no trace of lemonade though, whew... the girl brings her back a cup of lemons, practically running to the car with them (in fear of donna i guess, LOL).... donna is a happy drinker now. moral of the story... do not mess with donna and do not mess with one's vice. we laughed about it for the rest of the night..... something this good is still funny even if you were not there, especially if you know my dear spunky friend donna, i wouldn't have her any other way !! -- pm


Lesa said...

I love it with the pictures....awesome!

Brenda said...

The pics are so cute!