fav mags for ideas

  • *sketches* by becky higgins
  • anything martha
  • cherish by ctmh
  • creating keepsakes
  • designing layouts by donna downey
  • imagine by ctmh
  • oriental trading
  • page maps
  • paper crafts
  • reflections by ctmh
  • scrapbooks etc

Thursday, June 26, 2008

oh Renee.... you are too too funny!!

I have a little 7 yr old friend, her name given by mom and dad is Rylee Monk.She has a unique knack of calling or referring to someone as a different name, something other than what was given to them! Just one example.... Last summer, we were at Amy's house for a page layout class and she was referring to Macie as "Ashley". Doesn't rhyme, sound like or even start with the same letter. This is just funny. I could not resist, I had to take part in this... I told her that she too should have an alternate name, just teasing her really. Well she put her hands up and pretty much said "bring it". SO I just blurted out "Renee", she laughed and said we'll I will call you..... "Bag". Oh gees, good one I tease, I am holding a bag, you are MORE creative than this little one! About a week or so later, Renee (Rylee) and her dad Shannon come up to Mexican Inn to have lunch with Lesa and I. She is setting across from me, just starring. She is a little sunk in her chair and still is just glaring over at me! All of a sudden girl busts out with "strawberry" excuse me??? asks her mom and dad.That's her name, Strawberry. There was nothing around me that could have possibly related to such a thing, I LOVED IT. We laughed so much about this. Now, do not think you can call her Renee or do not dare call me Strawberry... this is our names for each other, like a sisterhood or something. She gets a tad defensive if someone refers to me as my Rylee given name! Oh, for Christmas, she gives me an adorable strawberry teapot which stays here in my scrapbook room. I bought us matching initial necklaces with rhinestones of course. Lucky for her, both of her names start with the same letter! Renee, if you are reading this... smooches :)

Oh this layout is dedicated to my glitter queens, Traci Thatcher and Renee's mom, Lesa Monk........ you may not be able to see all of the stickles, but it is EVERYWHERE! Also, like my cruddin'??!! hahaha



Lesa said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!! That is my favorite layout you have ever done - you may even have to re-create one for me!!!! Renee says it is fabulous!

Amy said...

that is classic RENEE! I love it! It is very 'cruddy' for you - i need to try to that more myself!