fav mags for ideas

  • *sketches* by becky higgins
  • anything martha
  • cherish by ctmh
  • creating keepsakes
  • designing layouts by donna downey
  • imagine by ctmh
  • oriental trading
  • page maps
  • paper crafts
  • reflections by ctmh
  • scrapbooks etc

Friday, October 10, 2008


i swear i am still here. october is so packed for some reason; it is only day 10. is it the christmas rush starting? i have completed several halloween crafts that i need to post. halloween is not even over and i am already thinking about my christmas crafts. what is up with that??!!

this week... i have been inspired to bake more, decorate more and just be more crafty. i have stalked several blogs... if they can do it, so can i. did you know i have another blog....

www.cakesbyauntiem.blogspot.com please check it out!!


i need to vent. so kylie plays tournament softball. there is a tournament every weekend from mid september thru november. we are only scheduled for 2 so far this fall season. that is not my beef. my beef is that one of those fabulous fall weekends is no other than halloween. yep, she plays on friday night, the big day for every kid. so not only has this coach stolen a fun night from my kid who loves to be creative and dress up, HE STOLE SCRAPBOOK PAGES FROM ME .........ahhhhhhhhhh. how dare he. this better be one fantastically decorated ball park for this scrap chic. UGH, he has NO idea who he is messing with..... -pm

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