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Monday, September 15, 2008

waxing dilemma

ok i must share what happened to me and kylie last night. she got ready for bed and i noticed her eyebrows needed some immediate assistance. she agreed. (background: i have been waxing her eyebrows for a couple months now) i heated the wax, like normal and did one side, beautiful. so now for the other side. as i dip the stick she says, oh let me get my hair out of the way, as she sweeps her hair i am coming towards her with the wax and oops, it drips on her. well just not on her, JUST HER EYELASHES. now her eye is totally shut, the wax has adhered to both her upper and lower and oh did i mention that this covers half the width of her eye. has anyone noticed her blessed eyelashes, she has a ton of them. ok, instead of panicing, i ask scott to get us a towel to wet it to hopefully loosen the cooled wax. nope. i go and get my eyelash comb to maybe pull it out, painful for her and not really working. she was like, can we call someone. this WILL NOT defeat me in any way, i will win. we are going at it for a while and then i thought about what "Kim" would do in this situation (the asian lady that does mine) oh, she puts baby oil on afterwards and i bet this will help. so i have some eye makeup remover pads and we were literally soaking her eye with oil. this was loosening the wax slowly but surely. after at least 30 minutes of this trama, my daughter can open her eyes and now go to sleep. UGH, what a mess. so advice: if you find yourself dropping hair wax on someone's eyelashes, think like Kim and get the baby oil STAT.


Brenda said...

I know this was not funny at the time but I couldn't help but crack up when I was reading this. I am happy to hear that Kylie still has her eyelashes!

Lindsey said...

oh my gosh, i can't even imagine! i have a funny waxing story of my own, but not for the internet. maybe at the baby party!