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Monday, July 21, 2008

somebody's shootin' at somebody...

i have to share a very LOL story of my fearless gun toting husband (God bless this man!) so yesterday afternoon, Scott is standing in the kitchen, I am coming into the house from the garage holding a mound of items, Kylie is at the kitchen table drawing or something. apparently there is a noise none of which could POSSIBLY be made by me knocking into the door with my armful of items or Kylie flicking papers. NO, gun shots for sure. (his exact words contain non-pretty words, so i will make this PG rated) "what the *bleep* was that?? who the *bleep* is shooting?? OK, do not ask me and do not stand there mister fearless leader of the household. his eyes are HUGE at this point and i have to say i am giggling and he is serious. i assure him this was one of us making a noise. OH NO, somebody's shooting. ??????????? ok, get out of here and figure this out--- i am not going out there. (whatever dude) he finally goes out side and apparently he is right... the junk man across the street heard the same thing, similar to a shotgun sound and they both walked out at the same time. PLEASSSSSSSSSE people... it apparently was close but maybe a street over, i laughed about this all evening and he sorta laughed but assured what he heard was for real, still makes me laugh because his face was priceless. SO last night as we are going to bed, he must flip through all of the channels just in case there is something good on and here you go a western, with young michael landon and his exact words were "somebody's shootin' at somebody" OH i have to blog this and he just laughed!! There has been many nights of strange sounds in our house over the years and he has popped out of bed with his whitey tideys on packing heat running through the house, i have never been fortunate to actually see the face that goes with this until yesterday in my kitchen, LOL! his gun lay beside him for the rest of the day, as if we are under attack, too funny!! --pm


Anonymous said...

Oh that is funny! I can just picture it now.

Anonymous said...

That is freakin funny! The visual of him running around the house with a gun in his tideys! Priceless!


Lesa said...

It gets funnier every time I read it!