fav mags for ideas

  • *sketches* by becky higgins
  • anything martha
  • cherish by ctmh
  • creating keepsakes
  • designing layouts by donna downey
  • imagine by ctmh
  • oriental trading
  • page maps
  • paper crafts
  • reflections by ctmh
  • scrapbooks etc

Sunday, January 18, 2009

attn: retreaters

you know who you are... surely you have a crop coming up soon..

devlop & download your pics! enhance and resize!

if you have a retreat coming up i suggest not waiting until the week of to start your planning and most of all your SHOPPING. the worst part of this is when the store doesn't have what you are looking for. frustrating!! start looking at the ads and shop the scrapbook stores (there are a few left!) I was just browsing the new hobby lobby and michael's ads that I get every sunday in my in box. michael's has ribbon on sale and hobby lobby has spare parts on sale. these are the most used products besides paper! brads, eyelets, metal findings and ribbon, OH MY!! we all need a nice healthy stock of these! when you plan out your pages you often forget about the embellishments. this can be a YIKES situation! INSTEAD OF A PLAIN PAGE.. GO SHOPPING!

as for adhesive, a girl cannot have too much. I have yet to see this go on sale for a long time (3L that is) you have to pounce on this coveted product. HL has been stingy with their sales lately. you may want to keep an eye out on joann's. the most they may do is 40%... better than full price!

always plan for too much, really. who wants to finish early?? not enough pictures for pages? bring another project, like cards.

plan your pages until you are happy with them... do not settle. put them away and start on a new page, this may help. these are YOUR pages. plan them how you want. if you get scrappers block, us retreaters always have an opinion!

the key here is... come prepared! whether it is a day crop, or an entire weekend. you are paying a fee to go on this crop, make it worth it by coming prepared. you owe it to yourself and your albums!

happy croppin! have fun!


Amy said...

you are FUNNY!! Thanks for the PEP talk!

Anonymous said...

I saw a whole bunch of scrapbooking stuff in the dollar area of Target in Mansfield last weekend and thought of you! Happy Cropping!