fav mags for ideas

  • *sketches* by becky higgins
  • anything martha
  • cherish by ctmh
  • creating keepsakes
  • designing layouts by donna downey
  • imagine by ctmh
  • oriental trading
  • page maps
  • paper crafts
  • reflections by ctmh
  • scrapbooks etc

Thursday, May 29, 2008

no... you go on ahead with what you were doing...

Where do I start with this?? This is a for sure "gripe" on one of my top fav stores. UGH... so last night Amy calls and she must go to MICHAELS for a few items and asks for me to join her and Collin (which is sleeping and sick). So she picks me up (by the way it is Collin's 1st birthday, yeah!) OK anyway, we get there. we pa ruse the scrapbooking aisles in pure disgust, why did Recollections close?? we ask each other.. the section is a dump. so weis done with looking, she has her must haves from her list and we shimmy on down to the check out line. Come on... it is a Wednesday night, who is really at MICHAELS?? Everyone apparently and ONE person working the register or should I say attempting to work the register, where is my Ms. Faye when we need her?? So Collin is laid up in the stroller just a snoozing and we strike up conversation with the lady behind us, we are chit chatting and then notice the line is not moving and the register girl is having a challenging time, where is the rest of the register people... did they run away, go to Old Navy for the sale??? So we begin to gripe about poor customer service at local stores, exchanging stories and this one is about to be entered on the infamous list. We now know so much about this lady, her son is engaged, blah blah... yadda yadda. I am not big on the conversation with strangers in line, for the record she started it. Ok now we are just one away from being checked out... WHOOHOO, oh did I mention Amy has like 5 things. The register girl is having yet another problem, OMG! We look back the the line has forked, there are people everywhere, I would say at least 20 customers. OK, so register girl calls for help, not back-up, where do these people come from?? So this register assistant comes up and does nothing really and actually offers to help the next in line, YES!! We stroll on over and so does the lady behind us; our new BFF. To start things off, register help abandons us for register girl AGAIN. Seriously lady over here... now the customer that was like 3 back in line is paying, ahhhhhhhhh (I want to scream) so the register help lady comes back only to call some other person to assist register girl, as help lady comes towards the front of the store, the register girl finally gets it and so register help lady shews her off and says "no... you go on ahead with what you were doing" WHAT??? asked all 20 of us? Everyone is in a shear uproar by now. Obviously she is of importance and can she not sniff out the importance of helping the customers in the store?? Whatever. So anyway Amy is about to be checked out only for the register help to drop, yes i said drop this kids lap desk onCollin and all of her other stuff, wooden frames and scrapbook paper, went crashing down. OMG, I check on Collin, Amy bends over to get her things and what does register help do?? NOTHING, you were right. OMG again! Someone in line asks if it hurt the baby or woke him up.. you know they cared. Register help was hardly remorseful. UGH. We finally leave, I am not too sure when we will be back... it would have to be a really really good sale and they actually have it in stock. UGH... I am so worn out by this experience. -pm :(

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Those people are clueless....I am surprised that didn't jump all over her after she dumped stuff on that poor baby boy!